I've always used pads and hated how they'd move about when I slept. I have regular-heavy periods but I tend to use super heavy just for peace of mind. (I don't use tampons so this is fine for me.)
These are my first period pants and wish I'd had these years ago! I have 13 pairs to see me through a week of period and they're an absolute dream. I could only afford them with a discount code, but I think they were worth the cost in the end.
There are a couple of cons: they last about 48 washes but after that, I have no idea how I can recycle them and I don't think that really is very sustainable in the long term. It makes them better than disposables but I still have about 15 years of periods ahead of me so that's a lot of money for me on something with a finite lifespan. It's about £900 to continue using these pants for the rest of my period years compared to about £540 for disposable options. It's not clear what I can do with the pants once they stop working, so I'm not thrilled by the prospect of binning them every four years.
The non-pad bit does feel a bit flimsy so I'm not sure they'd last beyond the 48 washes really. For me that's about four years of wear. (1 wash and wear a month x 12 months x 4 years). I try to buy clothes I know will last a very, very long time so this is a bit of a problem for me.
They're also so absorbent they take ages to wash if you can't dry them on a line (even over radiator) and you can't spin them on full whack because the internal stitching which keeps the pad in place looks very delicate. I find I'm having to do lots of wringing out, squishing into towels and lower intensity spins which take ages. I know that on wet summer days when my radiators won't be on and I can't use a line, this is going to be a faff and they're going to take a long time to dry.
They're also all black gussets so I'm never sure if my period is over or not or if they're really clean.
Despite all of the above, I really do recommend them. They don't smell, they stay in place, they're very comfy, they're very absorbent, I don't have to work out which absorbency I need, I only need to change them once in the day and once in the night, they aren't too bulky, they look fine, I can put them on and forget about them, I don't have to worry about running out of pads, they don't have weird blue gel or silver or anything funny in them.