Never Discreet

1 in 3 women over the age of 35 will experience incontinence and this leakage can have a devastating emotional impact coinciding with major reductions in quality of life, irrespective of age, jeopardizing their physical, social, and economic well-being.

More than a little bit of pee:

  • Bladder problems are more common than hayfever in the UK.

  • 14 million people are affected in the UK with women experiencing leakage twice as often as men.

  • 34%  of women in the UK are estimated to be living with urinary incontinence

  • 80% of new and expecting mums and 50% of menopausal women (approximately 6.5million women) will experience incontinence

The intention of these brands might be to provide a sense of privacy, however use of the word "discreet" reinforces harmful stereotypes and prevents necessary open dialogue about topics such as periods and incontinence.

We are calling on all brands to remove the word "Discreet" from women’s health products starting with period and incontinence care.

We must shift from stigmatizing terms to positive language that encourages open discussions and self-care. Emphasizing that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.


  • Stigmatizing Language Perpetuates Shame: The use of the term "discreet" implies that periods and incontinence should be hidden or not talked about openly, making it difficult for individuals to have open discussions with friends, family or experts about natural bodily functions.

  • Normalizing Silence Costs Us All: Promoting "discreetness," encourages silence and can prevent individuals from seeking proper medical advice and treatment. Not only does this come at a cost to the individual whose quality of life and economic wellbeing may be negatively impacted but the NHS also spends £223Million annually on incontinence treatments.

  • Minimizing Prevalence Prevents People Seeking Help: Bladder problems, including incontinence, are more common than hay fever and yet only 26% of individuals with incontinence seek help, with women often waiting up to 10 years before seeking treatment, perpetuating the cycle of suffering in silence.

Taking these steps will foster a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone. Let's work together to dismantle the stigma around periods and incontinence and create a world where women's health is openly acknowledged and respected.

Please sign our petition and write to the brands who advertise word “Discreet” in their product advertising and packaging.


  1. 14million

  2. 1 in 3

  3. 6.5m women

  4.  → 26%

  5.  →10 years

pledged brands